Welcome to West Michigan MLS, where you can search, discover and share West Michigan’s most accurate and up-to-date home listings. Find open houses, save favorites, request showings, and get current market information. Connect to Michigans premier local real estate company and agents who are ready to help you find your new home.
App features include:
REAL-TIME MLS SEARCH – Complete and current access to all active MLS-listed homes for sale in west Michigan. Large, high-resolution photos and full property descriptions are at your fingertips.
MAP SEARCH – Search for homes using the map search which shows new, active, pending and sold listings, as well as open houses, from the Michigan-Indiana border in the south to Traverse City in the north and from Lake Michigan in the west to the I-127 corridor in the east.
SEARCH CRITERIA – Refine your search by using specific information, such as city, zip code, price, style and more.
360° GLANCE – using your phone’s built in GPS device, search for properties nearby your current location.
CIRCLE DRAW – Draw on the map to lasso the area that you want to search, showing available homes only within that area.
MY LISTING STORE – Save your favorites to your device and/or share them with your friends and family.
HOME VALUE – Search homes that have recently sold in your area and request a current market analysis of your home from one of our agents.
DRIVING DIRECTIONS – With a tap of the finger, get driving directions for any of the listed homes.
CONNECT – Ready to view some homes? Connect with West Michigan’s premier local real estate company to set up an appointment today.
Crown Ridge Properties serves all of west Michigan. Crown Ridge Properties is a division of Zertti.com, LLC.